How Often Should You Spar? (Boxing, MMA, Kickboxing)

I’ve had a few sparring sessions since I’ve started practicing martial arts. Since having those I’ve wondered, how often should I be sparring? It is well known that some sparring sessions can have harmful effects on the brain, depending on how hard you are sparring. But should you limit your sparring sessions, or spar lighter? Is there an optimal amount of sparring sessions one can have? In this post, I am going to discuss some of the research, as well my own experiences in sparring, to answer these questions. The short answer is, you should limit your hard sparring sessions…

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Is Muay Thai Safer Than Boxing?

If you’ve dabbled a bit in martial arts, you’ll know that competition is the best way to get better at what you practice. However, there are a lot of health risks involved when training and competing in combat sports. I wanted to find out how safe Muay Thai and Boxing are in comparison to each other, since they are two of the most popular striking-based martial arts. So in this post, I am going to be looking at the reasons why one is safer than the other. For the average person who doesn’t compete professionally, I would consider Muay Thai…

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