How Long Does it Take to Get Good at Muay Thai?

Perhaps you’re just getting started in your Muay Thai training, and have been contemplating your future in the discipline. Maybe you’ve seen how good your instructors are, and have wondered how much time and work they have put into their training. So today, I am going to answer just that: how long does it take to get good at Muay Thai? It takes a few years to get really good at Muay Thai, 3-5 years to be exact. However, it is possible to look good in 1 year with frequent training and a strict diet. Of course, the results of…

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How To Develop A Stronger Jab (Muhammad Ali's Technique)

In MMA, Boxing, and Muay Thai alike, the jab is one of the most important techniques to use. Most techniques rely on set up through use of the jab, and an effective jab can be significantly damaging. So in this post, I am going to explain the way great fighters have developed a stronger jab. To develop a stronger jab, you first have to put your body’s momentum behind the punch. As you start to throw your jab, your left shoulder should push forward as your right one moves back, all while you slightly lean into the punch. Your arm…

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What Martial Arts Do Green Berets (US Special Forces) Learn?

If you’re like me, then you’re probably interested in all types of combat, including the combat training received by most military groups. One well known military group is the US Army Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets. They have formidable combat skills, and are trained to kill. But what martial arts do the Green Berets learn during their hand-to-hand combat training? The Green Berets are taught certain techniques from martial arts such as Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and several more. The U.S. Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) teaches recruits how to handle themselves in certain situations using…

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What Is The Best Striking Martial Art? (Boxing, Karate, Muay Thai?)

If you’re into martial arts, then you probably know that martial arts can be split up into two groups: Striking arts and Grappling arts. UFC 1 showed us that Jiu-Jitsu and Wrestling were the most effective ground arts. But one thing it failed to really show us was the effectiveness of striking martial arts. So in this post, I am going to answer the question: What is the best striking martial art? As far as striking martial arts go, Muay Thai is the most effective. Muay Thai is a martial art that emphasizes simplicity and effectiveness. The leg kick is…

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Do Martial Artists Have to Register Themselves as “Deadly Weapons”?

So we’ve all heard rumors around the topic of whether professional fighters have to register as “deadly weapons”. Whether you heard it from some guy at the bar, or you saw an incident surrounding this topic on the news, we have all wondered it. So today, I am going to present the research I’ve found in order to answer the question: Do martial artists have to register themselves as “deadly weapons”? The short answer is NO; martial artists and professional fighters do not have to register themselves (or any part of their body) as a “deadly weapon”. However, a trained…

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Is Learning Muay Thai Dangerous? (Muay Thai Training For Beginners)

So you’re interested in martial arts, and you’ve decided you want to start training in Muay Thai, which is great news! But after seeing countless videos online about the injuries associated with Muay Thai, and sparring sessions gone wrong, you’re wondering if it is safe for a beginner to train in Muay Thai. Well look no further, because in this post, I am going to discuss the safety regarding Muay Thai and also answer the question: Is Learning Muay Thai dangerous for beginners? Learning Muay Thai is not dangerous, and is completely safe if you’re just practicing and learning. A…

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Is Muay Thai a Traditional Martial Art?

When someone brings up traditional martial arts, you may usually think karate, kung fu, or something along those lines. But it is not so easy to identify a traditional martial art. What does ‘traditional’ even mean? And is Muay Thai one of these traditional martial arts? Today, I am going to present the research I’ve gathered surrounding the classification of ‘traditional martial arts’ and whether or not Muay Thai falls in this category. Muay Thai can be considered a traditional martial art, but it mostly on what you consider ‘traditional’. Muay Thai does have many traditions revolving around the sport,…

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What Martial Arts Are Used In Naruto?

If you’re a Naruto fan like me, then you were probably also just as intrigued by the way they fought using chakra and ninjutsu. I personally also used it as inspiration for training actual martial arts. But one thing I always liked about Naruto is how realistic the hand-to-hand combat scenes seemed, and how they used real martial arts techniques. So that’s what I’m going to address in this post: What martial arts are used in the Naruto series? The characters from the Naruto anime use a vast variety of real martial arts, the majority using Boxing, Muay Thai, and…

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