Does Punching Walls Make Your Knuckles Stronger?

Perhaps you’ve seen an online video where a Kung Fu Sifu shows you his technique for rock hard hands, which involves punching a wall. The logic behind this is that micro-fractures occur within the bones, which will become stronger once they heal up. But you may be wondering the legitimacy of these claims. So does punching walls actually make your knuckles stronger? Punching walls might in theory make your knuckles stronger, but it is not recommended, as the strength increase is nominal compared to the amount of wear and tear your hands will receive. A better way to strengthen the…

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What's the Best Martial Art For a Street Fight?

If you’re into martial arts, then chances are you started training because of a need to defend yourself. The problem is, training martial arts in a gym is not the same as using that martial art in a street fight. There are a lot of different factors involved, such as the difference in environment, if weapons are involved, and the number of enemies. There are no rules in real life like there are in an MMA match, so the question then is: What is he best martial art for street fighting? There are a lot of martial arts that can…

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Why Do Boxers Hug? (Clinching Explained)

While watching a boxing match, you may have seen the two fighters hug, also known as clinching. You’ve also probably wondered why they do this. Does it benefit them in any way? Is it a good tactic? Look no further my friend, because in this post, I’m going to explain everything about the clinch in boxing. So why do boxers clinch? Boxers clinch or “hug” to slow down the pace of the fight, and to prevent from getting hit at close range. Many boxers also clinch to get a small window of rest during the fight. While in the clinch,…

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Why Do Fighters Put Ice On The Back Of Their Neck?

If you’ve ever seen a MMA or Boxing match that went past the first round, you may have seen the fighters’ respective corners putting ice on the back of their fighter’s neck. Sometimes, they may place the ice in different areas depending on the damage within the fight, such as on the legs or the chest. Intuitively, you can guess that ice helps the fighter recover quicker. But what exactly is the effect of using ice in between rounds? Why do fighters put ice on the back of their necks?  In short, fighters place ice on their neck in between…

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What Is The Difference Between a TKO & a KO?

As a new fan to a sport such as MMA or Boxing, it may be confusing when people speak in terminology that you are unfamiliar with. I remember being there once, and if you’re in that same boat, I’m here for you. In this post, I’m going to clearly distinguish differences while answering the question: What is the difference between a TKO and a KO? The difference is that a KO (Knockout) occurs when the fighter is knocked unconscious, while a TKO (Technical Knockout) occurs when the fighter is still conscious but is deemed unable to intelligently defend themselves by…

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How Do You Know If You Are Southpaw Or Orthodox?

As a new boxer, it may be difficult to know whether you are a Southpaw fighter, or an Orthodox one. Perhaps you aren’t really sure what the difference is between them. Well fear not friend, because in this post, I am going to help you by answering your question, and any additional ones you might have. So how do I know if I am southpaw or orthodox? In most cases, if you are right handed, then you are orthodox, and if you’re left handed, then you fight southpaw. An orthodox fighter stands with their left side forward and jabs with…

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Do Amateur Fighters Get Paid in MMA/Boxing?

You may have watched an organized MMA or Boxing competition which featured amateur fighters, and found yourself wondering: do amateur fighters get paid? What is the pay difference between an amateur and a professional fighter? Well look no further, because in this post, I’m going to discuss finances in relation to amateur fighters, as well as answer the question: do amateur fighters get paid? The short answer is, no, amateur fighters do not get paid for their fights in Boxing/MMA. According to the Nevada State Athletic Commission, amateur fighters are allowed to get expenses covered by the promotion, but they…

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The 7 Best Striking Martial Arts

If you know a bit about martial arts, then you know that the vast majority of martial arts can be put into two categories: grappling arts, and striking arts. Perhaps you’ve seen flashy Taekwondo kicks or a devasting Boxing ko, and have wondered to yourself, what are the best striking martial arts? Well, no need to wonder my friend. In this post, I’m going to rank the best striking martial arts by how effective they are. This means martial arts that include kicks, punches, and any other kind of strikes (including some unorthodox ones on this list). The criteria for…

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How Long Does it Take to Master a Martial Art?

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re interested in training martial arts. You might have even taken a few classes in your chosen martial art. But at the beginning of your martial arts journey, it’s common to see more experienced martial artists and wonder, “How long will it take me to get to that level?” In this post, I am going to explain what it takes to reach mastery in a martial art. To master a certain martial art is takes years of training, discipline, and dedication. On average, it takes around 8 years to get a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/Judo…

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How Long Does A Knockout Last In Boxing/MMA?

It is fairly common for a Boxing or MMA match to end in a knockout. Some knockouts don’t look too bad, maybe the guy has a flash of unconsciousness and the fight ends. But some knockouts can be very bad, and last up to several minutes with the fighter unconscious. So in this post, I wanted to answer this question and details relating to it. So, how long does a knockout last? In most cases, a knockout lasts less than 10 seconds, after which the person regains consciousness. However, a bad knockout can last longer than a minute and even…

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