Grandmaster Ip Man and his role in the popularization of Wing Chun

Wing Chun is an ancient martial art that dates back hundreds of years and has become increasingly popular in recent times. It is characterized by its reliance on close-range combat techniques, using straight-line strikes with minimal body movement, redirecting the opponent’s energy rather than meeting it head-on. Wing Chun draws from principles of Chinese philosophy to form a basis for its movements, emphasizing the use of economy in motion and continuous adaptation to changing situations. The spread of Wing Chun has been greatly influenced by two key figures: Grandmaster Ip Man and his student Bruce Lee. Grandmaster Ip Man was…

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8 Outstanding Health Benefits Of MMA That You Cannot Ignore

This is a guest post from MMA comes with a lot of health benefits. The sport also teaches one the importance of having discipline, faith, and regulation in life. With key health benefits coming as the ultimate offering, the sport also provides one with the ability to be focused, determined and motivated to achieve big in life. With proper protective gear, one can have a lot of fun in the training center and master new techniques and tricks in relation to the martial arts that they want to become a pro in. Even if they don’t want to become…

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What Is A Haymaker Punch?

In boxing, there are many different types of punches, one of which is referred to as a haymaker. You may have heard this mentioned by a commentator while watching a fight, and perhaps wondered what they meant by ‘haymaker’. So in this post, I am going to answer that question for you. What is a haymaker in Boxing and MMA? In short, a haymaker is a very wide and predictable punch with a lot of power behind it. It is usually a hook that the fighter pulls back and then throws all their momentum into, in hopes of ending the…

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Why Do Boxers and MMA Fighters Wear Gloves?

With the rising popularity of MMA, there are many people becoming new fans of the sport. You may be one of them yourself, and probably have some questions about MMA competition. While watching fights, you may wonder why MMA fighters don’t just fight bare-fisted, instead of wearing gloves. Well in this post I will answer just that: Why do MMA fighters wear gloves? MMA fighters and Boxers wear gloves during competition primarily to protect their hands, and prevent cuts on the face. The bones of the hands are very fragile, and can easily break when throwing hard punches, even with…

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How To Develop A Stronger Jab (Muhammad Ali's Technique)

In MMA, Boxing, and Muay Thai alike, the jab is one of the most important techniques to use. Most techniques rely on set up through use of the jab, and an effective jab can be significantly damaging. So in this post, I am going to explain the way great fighters have developed a stronger jab. To develop a stronger jab, you first have to put your body’s momentum behind the punch. As you start to throw your jab, your left shoulder should push forward as your right one moves back, all while you slightly lean into the punch. Your arm…

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How Often Should You Spar? (Boxing, MMA, Kickboxing)

I’ve had a few sparring sessions since I’ve started practicing martial arts. Since having those I’ve wondered, how often should I be sparring? It is well known that some sparring sessions can have harmful effects on the brain, depending on how hard you are sparring. But should you limit your sparring sessions, or spar lighter? Is there an optimal amount of sparring sessions one can have? In this post, I am going to discuss some of the research, as well my own experiences in sparring, to answer these questions. The short answer is, you should limit your hard sparring sessions…

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Can MMA Fighters Smoke Weed?

Marijuana usage in MMA is nothing new. Many fighters have openly admitted to being recreational smokers. The most notable of these are the Diaz brothers, who have made their smoking habit a part of their fighting lifestyle and brand. But what does the UFC think of its fighters smoking weed? Is it banned? Do they even care? Well in this post, I’m going to address everything you need to know about weed usage as a UFC fighter. Can MMA fighters smoke weed? In short yes, fighters are allowed to smoke weed outside of competition. However, the THC blood levels must…

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What Is The Difference Between a TKO & a KO?

As a new fan to a sport such as MMA or Boxing, it may be confusing when people speak in terminology that you are unfamiliar with. I remember being there once, and if you’re in that same boat, I’m here for you. In this post, I’m going to clearly distinguish differences while answering the question: What is the difference between a TKO and a KO? The difference is that a KO (Knockout) occurs when the fighter is knocked unconscious, while a TKO (Technical Knockout) occurs when the fighter is still conscious but is deemed unable to intelligently defend themselves by…

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How Do You Know If You Are Southpaw Or Orthodox?

As a new boxer, it may be difficult to know whether you are a Southpaw fighter, or an Orthodox one. Perhaps you aren’t really sure what the difference is between them. Well fear not friend, because in this post, I am going to help you by answering your question, and any additional ones you might have. So how do I know if I am southpaw or orthodox? In most cases, if you are right handed, then you are orthodox, and if you’re left handed, then you fight southpaw. An orthodox fighter stands with their left side forward and jabs with…

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Do MMA Fighters Wear Hand Wraps?

If you’ve ever tried on a pair of 4-ounce MMA style gloves, you’ll know that those things are tight. There is a lot less room for the hand to shift around when compared to a big 16-ounce boxing glove. I myself have wondered how MMA fighters can fit wraps under the small gloves, which also begs the question: Do MMA fighters even wear hand wraps? Yes, most MMA fighters do wear hand wraps under their 4-ounce MMA gloves, although the wraps have a lot less padding than those used in boxing. Some fighters however, choose not to wear wraps at…

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